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How to Build a Cyber Security Strategy

Cyber Security is an umbrella term that covers all the services and solutions that are implemented to protect computers, networks, data and cloud services from cyber threats. There are a number of types of cyber security measures and it is never a one solution fix. Robust cyber security requires a multi-layered approach and an overarching strategy.

So what are the various types of cyber security?


  1. Network Security – protects against bad actors gaining unauthorised access to corporate networks. Read More. 
  2. Data Security – secures data, often which contains personal and sensitive material depending on the business, both where it is stored and in transit.
  3. Application Security – identifies weaknesses in business applications that staff use daily that could be exploited. Often these weaknesses are dealt with by installing patches or updates from the application providers but frequently users fail to act on updates and vulnerabilities remain exposed.
  4. End Point Security – ensures all devices that link to the network are secure. Read More. 
  5. Cloud Security – as more businesses use cloud services security in the cloud becomes more and more important. Read More.
  6. Disaster Recovery and Backups – this falls under the cyber security umbrella as this is your insurance that in the event of a cyber attack your business can recover not just data but systems and applications readily. Read More.
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How to Build a Cyber Security Strategy

Undertake a Cyber Security Assessment

The first step in understanding what your business needs to do to protect itself is identifying areas in which you are weakest. The best method to do this is to engage with an IT services company who are experts in Cyber Security and they can run a cyber security assessment to establish the current level of risk across your network. Most IT Services Providers will have a range of tests they can run which will identify current vulnerabilities. In doing so you will learn what areas of the cyber security umbrella (think of them like the spokes that hold the umbrella up) you are weakest in and where you need to invest.

Document your Cyber Security Strategy

Once you have a better understanding of you current cyber security posture and have allocated budget you should get buy in from all stake holders across your business. As cyber security is company wide you should involve someone from each area of your business as they may all have different concerns. For example some of them may use more cloud services that others. Some teams may operate more remote workers than others who may be permanently office based. Areas of the business may have strict compliance policies that they need to adhere to for example the finance department who hold personal financial information. All of these aspects should be carefully documented to ensure a comprehensive approach to securing your business.

Consider engaging with an IT Services Provider

Cyber security is a very specialised area. Most businesses won’t have the required skills inhouse which is why it is wise to talk to an IT Services Company who can best advise what solutions meet the needs laid out in your cyber security strategy. Look for an IT Services Provider that is expert in Cyber Security and partners with a leading cyber security company like Fortinet. They will have all the know how to make sure your cyber security is foolproof. Often they are experts in Cloud Services also which is essential for ensuring that not only on premise but cloud based IT Services are secured.

Train your staff

Cyber security awareness training is critical in any cyber security strategy. With all the measures in place cracks can appear at any moment and most frequently it is human error such as clicking on a malicious link in an email that leads to a breach occurring. Most IT Services Providers supply online cyber security training for staff which is convenient for all staff to complete. It is important that all staff right up to management undertake cyber security awareness training. It is also important that it stays fresh in their minds as time goes by so many companies will engage with cyber security training on an annual basis.

In an age where cyber crime is advancing at an alarming rate no business is safe no matter what size. The days were cyber attacks were reserved for bigger companies are long gone. All businesses need to be sure that their cyber security is up to scratch. To ignore it is leaving your business wide open to threats such as ransomware which can be both financially and reputationally damaging.

At HCS we deliver Cyber security awareness training, cyber security risk assessments and a full range of cyber security services for businesses of all sizes.


Talk to us now about how we can tailor our solutions to your challenges.