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HCS have been providing the latest IT Services, IT Support and consultancy to Camida for 20+ years.


Since Camida first started out in 1988, they have made a name for themselves as one of Europe’s biggest and best chemical distributors. With over thirty years of experience sourcing specialised chemicals for a range of industries, they have built an extensive global network and a world-class reputation. With the high stakes of the work they do, high quality IT systems are more important than ever.


Camida were one of our very first clients, and we’ve been providing them with first-class IT services since the mid 90’s. Always meeting the highest regulatory standards and conforming to the most stringent international protocols, there is no margin for error in Camida’s work. They need completely airtight IT solutions that provide them with the tools they need to work as safely and efficiently as possible. We offer a comprehensive support service, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Whether it’s 4am or 4pm, if Camida have a problem, we’re here to solve it. 


As you can imagine, Camida’s IT systems have seen some pretty big changes since the 90s. We’ve overseen various technology life cycles, always ensuring Camida have access to the very best of the cutting edge.

We recently provided sharepoint services and extranets for Camida’s customers. Because of the regulatory requirements that they need to meet, these are all shared through a secure customer portal. We are currently moving to the next stage of development, migrating all of Camida’s systems into a power platform that will automate certain elements of the business and improve visual data reporting and analysis. Every week our engineer is on-site there to check in face-to-face and ensure everything is running as smoothly as possible. Our relationship with Camida is built on a bedrock of loyalty and longevity.



“We have a long history with HCS. Over the years they have helped us to evolve and to develop more efficient processes. We trust their advice and feel our IT is in good hands.”

Deirdre McGrath


Talk to us now about how we can tailor our solutions to your challenges.